Dysport Injections
A small amount of the neuromodulator is injected directly into the underlying muscle, causing it to relax and gradually smooth out the appearance of the underlying skin.

A small amount of the neuromodulator is injected directly into the underlying muscle, causing it to relax and gradually smooth out the appearance of the underlying skin.
When you look at photos or your expressions in the mirror and notice deepening frown lines or other facial wrinkles that make you look older or more upset than you actually are, neuromodulators are a great place to turn for a more youthful, natural appearance. Dysport is one of our options for
relaxing wrinkles made with facial expressions, or dynamic wrinkles, that is best suited for specific individuals based on fine-tuned criteria.
What is Dysport?
Dysport is a neuromodulator facial wrinkle injection that inhibits muscle activity in the areas it’s used. It works by utilizing botulinum toxin A to dampen nerve signals to the muscles in the face, which prevents muscles from causing wrinkles or creases in the overlying skin. Dysport is one of three possible formulas Dr. Roy may recommend for your wrinkle treatment depending on your concerns, anatomy, and health history.
The FDA has currently only approved Dysport for injection between the eyebrows to treat frown lines, or glabellar lines, however many off-label uses are still available depending on your concerns and goals from treatment at AustinMD.
The Dysport Formula
Dysport differs from Botox, the leading neuromodulation formula, in subtle but important ways. First of all, its formula may be recommended for patients who have had allergic reactions or negative side effects with Botox. Next, Dysport has a lower molecular weight than Botox. This means both that it’s a more diffuse formula and also that you’ll need more of Dysport to effect the same benefits as Botox in Cedar Park. However, this doesn’t mean the price will go up, as Dysport almost always costs the same as the same treatment
with Botox.
Because it’s a thinner formula, Dysport’s active ingredient, botulinum toxin, often travels further through the skin before settling in. This means it’s often used to treat broader areas like the forehead in well-qualified patients.
Areas Dysport Treats
Dysport is FDA-approved for injection to the face to regulate the activity of muscles that cause wrinkles to form in various places. These areas include, but may not be limited to:
- Dysport for Crow’s Feet – Sometimes used as an alternative for Botox treatments, Dysport can smooth out the lines at the corners of your eyes that crinkle when you smile and laugh.
- Dysport for Smile Lines – Smile lines frequently form later in life in the skin that becomes folded near the nasolabial lines during facial expressions like smiling. Dysport can relax overactive muscles to prevent and eliminate these lines to help your skin look smoother during expressions.
- Dysport for Forehead Wrinkles – Dysport’s more diluted formula is often perfect for treating horizontal wrinkles that form on the forehead when raising your eyebrows.
- Dysport for TMJ – Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can lead to all kinds of negative consequences, such as migraine, tooth grinding (bruxism), and jaw clenching. By relaxing the jaw muscle that causes overactive clenching, Dysport can help relieve these symptoms in quick and easy treatments.
- Dysport for Brow Lines – Lines between the eyebrows can cause someone to look angry or upset when they’re not. Prevent the early onset of these static wrinkles with precise Dysport injections on a regular basis.
- Dysport for Smoker’s Lines – Smoker’s lines appear on or around the lips, frequently due to the constant pursing of the lips around tobacco products or other smoked substances. Dysport can relax these muscles without affecting your lips’ function to eliminate the look of smoker’s lines.
- Dysport for Eyebrow Lift – Precise and strategic injections of neuromodulators like Dysport near the inner eyebrow can lead to a “lifted” appearance of the outer eyebrows, creating a more youthful-looking eyebrow contour.
Because everyone’s facial wrinkle concerns are different, and everyone has their own medical background that may or may not make Dysport their best option, Nurse Cat will make sure you’re eligible for any on- or off-label uses of Dysport before administering it.
Who is a Good Candidate for Dysport?
The best candidate for Dysport or any other neuromodulator is in good overall health, has no allergies to the formula’s ingredients, and has realistic expectations of the treatment. There is no ideal age to start with Dysport and nearly anyone between the ages of 18 to 65 can experience its benefits.
What to Expect From A Dysport Treatment
If you’re interested in Dysport, first schedule a consultation appointment with our talented nurse injector. Not only is she highly experienced but also has a keen eye for details. During a consultation, you can describe your concerns and she’ll examine the area in question. She will also review your medical history and clear you to receive the recommended treatment. Our nurse injector will also take your medical history into account before recommending Dysport, another neuromodulator, or another treatment for your wrinkle reduction.
During the treatment itself, you’ll be seated comfortably while our nurse injector will carry out her treatment plan. Our nurse injector will make several small injections of Dysport throughout your problem area before cleaning your skin and sending you on your way.
Results and Recovery With Dysport
Dysport injections require no downtime and are typically painless. Some expected side effects that last up to 48 hours include bruising, redness, and swelling in the treatment area, and Dr. Roy may recommend you avoid alcohol, caffeine, and strenuous exercise for a day or more following
your appointment.
The results of Dysport typically appear within a week and can last up to four months. The results of Dysport compared to other neuromodulators are similar, although some studies may suggest that Dysport lasts longer than Botox in some patients.
Dysport Injections in Austin, Texas
If you’re curious about how Dysport or some other injectable can help you achieve a smoother, less wrinkled appearance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today. We provide service to Austin, Cedar Park, Leander, Round Rock, and other surrounding locations. Our aesthetic specialists can give you a good idea what to expect with these types of treatments and whether you’re a good candidate after a consultation. Our office is only 30 minutes from North Austin, 20 minutes from Georgetown, and 25 minutes west of Round Rock. Schedule a consultation today. Get the conversation started by calling our office or contacting us online today!
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What to Expect
Are you a Candidate?
If you are considering participating in a specific program at AustinMD Aesthetics & Wellness, but still have more questions, please don’t hesitate to Contact us. Our Aesthetics team will be happy to answer your questions or give you more information on any of our programs.

Aesthetics Services FAQ
Please review the frequently asked questions below. If you don’t find the answer to your question, feel free to contact our patient coordinator via email and set up a FREE discovery consultation.
Yes! Dysport injections can be used on the forehead to address forehead wrinkles and lines.
All injections will be administered by our talented, experienced and compassionate master nurse injector. She has a keen aesthetic eye and enjoys boosting self-image and confidence in our patients. At AustinMD, our approach to all of our medical aesthetics treatments is to address your concerns and deliver the best, most natural-looking results.
The AustinMD skin care is a medical-grade product line, which means that we use the appropriate dose of highly stabilized ingredients that last longer, and take longer to degrade. The cosmetic industry is highly unregulated, so we have no idea if what the label says is truly what’s inside the jar of serum or lotion. Medical companies have invested in clinical research and can prove that their products offer results. We stand behind the products we offer as it reflects on us.
To determine a client’s treatment, Dr. Roy and his staff will review your entire medical history. You may want to request copies of your medical files to share with him.
Your medical files and treatments are held in the strictest of confidence; all correspondence is handled through our secure patient portal.
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